Today we're going to learn how to smooth skin and remove blemishes.
By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a result of what looks exactly like the pictures they show in those Proactiv Solution commercials.

Julianne Hough and Jessica Simpson got nothin' on me, bitches.
Click on each image to see it in full-size. Remember this if you're squinting to read the tiny text.
I found this image of younger Bill lookin' adorable as ever, although he has a little bit of acne on his face.

As hard as it is to believe, he is human, and everyone has bad skin days. However, this is a good example to show how to get rid of those days using Photoshop.
I circled the spots in red we shall focus the most on:

Select the
healing spot tool. Set the hardness to 0%, and make the size big enough to fit over the blemish.

Here are the settings I'll be using.
Now take your cursor and place it over the area you want to de-blemish. DO NOT click ON the blemish itself, but press your ALT key and click on an area of the skin around the blemish. The healing spot tool clones the area that you select when you press down your alt key and click, so you don't want to select a part of the skin that isn't clear.

When you hover over the blemish you want to cover up, you'll notice that it gives a previews how it would look. If you're satisfied right click. It magically disappears! :o Well, it's not really magic, it's just photoshop.
Keep going over the areas you want to look smooth by ALT+clicking and then clicking over the imperfections. If you mess up you can always press CTRL+Z or Edit->Undo to start again. Fifteen minutes later, this is my result:

I decided to leave his mole because, well, I like it. :) You can stop here, or if you want to make the skin look really airbrushed and poreless, you can do so by using the
smudge tool. Find your smudge tool and big a really big, soft brush to start. Click on an open area of the face, and drag your mouse in small, circular motions to smudge the skin.

It should look a little something like this. Try to stay away from the eyes and lines of the face to keep from losing detail and making it look too blurry.
Also, make little movements, to avoid doing something like this:

Keep in mind the shadows on the face as well. You don't want to distort anything, you're just smoothing things out.
Use all different sizes of brushes to get into smaller areas. It might take a little while, but when you're finished it should look a bit like this:

This is optional, but I also decided to smooth the lips as well.

And here's our finished product:

I hope this provided some help to you! For any questions or troubleshooting feel free to leave a comment below.
By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a result of what looks exactly like the pictures they show in those Proactiv Solution commercials.

Julianne Hough and Jessica Simpson got nothin' on me, bitches.
Click on each image to see it in full-size. Remember this if you're squinting to read the tiny text.
I found this image of younger Bill lookin' adorable as ever, although he has a little bit of acne on his face.

As hard as it is to believe, he is human, and everyone has bad skin days. However, this is a good example to show how to get rid of those days using Photoshop.
I circled the spots in red we shall focus the most on:

Select the

Here are the settings I'll be using.
Now take your cursor and place it over the area you want to de-blemish. DO NOT click ON the blemish itself, but press your ALT key and click on an area of the skin around the blemish. The healing spot tool clones the area that you select when you press down your alt key and click, so you don't want to select a part of the skin that isn't clear.

When you hover over the blemish you want to cover up, you'll notice that it gives a previews how it would look. If you're satisfied right click. It magically disappears! :o Well, it's not really magic, it's just photoshop.
Keep going over the areas you want to look smooth by ALT+clicking and then clicking over the imperfections. If you mess up you can always press CTRL+Z or Edit->Undo to start again. Fifteen minutes later, this is my result:

I decided to leave his mole because, well, I like it. :) You can stop here, or if you want to make the skin look really airbrushed and poreless, you can do so by using the

It should look a little something like this. Try to stay away from the eyes and lines of the face to keep from losing detail and making it look too blurry.
Also, make little movements, to avoid doing something like this:

Keep in mind the shadows on the face as well. You don't want to distort anything, you're just smoothing things out.
Use all different sizes of brushes to get into smaller areas. It might take a little while, but when you're finished it should look a bit like this:

This is optional, but I also decided to smooth the lips as well.

And here's our finished product:

I hope this provided some help to you! For any questions or troubleshooting feel free to leave a comment below.